
Conversion! State of the art cutting

It is our business dedicated to the world of expanded plastic materials. In order to satisfy the different industrial requirements, our company has systems and machinery to guarantee a high manufacturing standard starting from the accurate design to create a customer-oriented product.

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Foam conversion

Standard processing format and specification facilities on flexible materials available on request.

From the initial processes of block or leaf production, the formed material is sectioned depending on the product to be made. This allows you to obtain unitary production starting from the single piece on materials available in the warehouse. Depending on the particularity of the foam, minimum quantities linked to its specific production and subsequent transformation are determined.

Linear cut on flexible foams

Tagli lineari

Slicing into linear parts is the start of machining to create defined cutting paths.

Specifications Contacts

Since the beginning of our company, the use of high precision machinery has guaranteed an efficient service for our partner customers. To date we manage to maintain the highest quality standard through constant research and technical improvement which leads us to reach new goals every day.

Flexible foam shaping

3D Form

3D Form processing makes it possible to create three-dimensional designed parts.

Specifications Contacts

Convoluted foams by Cioni

Wavy Cut

Continuous deformation cutting represents the most effective solution.

Specifications Contacts

Flexible foam shaping, plottering by Cioni

Flat Shape

We carry out plotting work on plates in both breathable and insulating materials.

Specifications Contacts

Flexible foam lamination by Cioni

Layer Comb

An efficient service supported by the highest quality adhesive materials.

Specifications Contacts

Copyright: Cioni Materie Plastiche Espanse Via L. Pirandello 16-22, 50053 Empoli (FI) ITALIA
Tel. 0571 920098 Fax 0571 920425 E.mail: Http://