Widely used foam materials The automotive industry contains within itself a specific niche of technical materials which have the purpose of: acoustically insulate the passenger compartment; give comfort to the interior; dampen vibrations and last but not least protect the driver and his vehicle. Strict regulations require the use of suitable materials that must undergo various tests; many of our materials have been developed by raw material producers so that all requirements are met.
Gaskets and technical components made up closed cell foam material based on rubber. The wide range of rubber foam consists of basic elastomers and their blends. We supply this materials in sheets and tailor-made processes. Further information available in the customer area. continue
Packaging insert, sporting goods and technical components made up plastic based open cell foam material. The TecnoPe family embraces unique manufacturing systems to meet many industrial specifications. 8 types are considered depending on the production method. continue
Copyright: Cioni Materie Plastiche Espanse Via L. Pirandello 16-22, 50053 Empoli (FI) ITALIA
Tel. 0571 920098 Fax 0571 920425 E.mail: info@cionimaterieplastiche.com Http://www.cionimaterieplastiche.com