

Professional consumer products
Wherever there is the possibility of making surfaces mirror-like again, it is one of the main purposes of the development of special professional squeegees or sponges. High grip and durability ensure effective results over time. We are talking about foam materials for cleaning and maintaining surfaces.


Plastic based open cell foam material. Created to meet the most stringent heat resistance requirements and linked to a minimum initial density that characterizes it, it represents the specific solution in various applications.


Packaging insert, sporting goods and technical components made up plastic based open cell foam material. The TecnoPe family embraces unique manufacturing systems to meet many industrial specifications. 8 types are considered depending on the production method.


Soundabsorbers, laminated and packaging insert made up plastic based open cell foam material. Expanded material produced to measure for the realization and manufacture of technical components. It includes various types among which it is possible to choose self-extinguishing functions, color and calibration of the cellular structure. Further information available in the customer area.
Copyright: Cioni Materie Plastiche Espanse Via L. Pirandello 16-22, 50053 Empoli (FI) ITALIA
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