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Aircraft seating

Self-exitinguish high comfort foams...

We operate in this fied with materials and manufacturing systems effective for all your demands. Our staff is at your complete disposal for offering to you samples and made-to-measure quotations.

Settori di impiego
Reparto d'uso
espansi su misura
sedute passeggeri, pilota, servizio
alto comfort, resistenza al fuoco secondo le normative vigenti
produzione sedili


Plastic based open cell foam material. Created to meet the most stringent heat resistance requirements and linked to a minimum initial density that characterizes it, it represents the specific solution in various applications. It can be transformed into slabs, panels and specific elements for tailor-made solutions. Further information available in the customer area.


Plastic based open cell foam material. The ComfortPlus® range currently contains 9 basic formulations and multiple density variables to suit many industrial applications. Ready-to-use foam product thanks to the large initial format allows large economies of scale and excellent performance. Further information available in the customer area.


Closed cell foam material based on rubber. The wide range of rubber foam consists of basic elastomers and their blends. We supply this materials in sheets and tailor-made processes. Further information available in the customer area.


Plastic based open cell foam material. The TecnoPe family embraces unique manufacturing systems to meet many industrial specifications. 8 types are considered depending on the production method. We supply this materials with customized manufacturing and processing solutions. Further information available in the customer area.


Plastic based open cell foam material. Expanded material produced to measure for the realization and manufacture of technical components. It includes various types among which it is possible to choose self-extinguishing functions, color and calibration of the cellular structure. Further information available in the customer area.
Copyright: Cioni Materie Plastiche Espanse Via L. Pirandello 16-22, 50053 Empoli (FI) ITALIA
Tel. 0571 920098 Fax 0571 920425 E.mail: Http://